The rink is full of people who have come to watch their children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, students, and friends. My son is a hockey goalie the last defense preventing the other team from scoring. When the puck slips into the net all eyes are on the goalie. I remain in the stands, nerve-wracked, sweating armpits, heart pounding inside my chest and feeling like I may pee my pants . . . feeling all the feels for him.
Yet he shows no signs of this. He has the COURAGE, the BRAVERY, and the CONFIDENCE.
So how do you muster up the courage to be confident enough to do or say the thing that everyone will see?
According to Kay and Shipman, authors of "The Confidence Code", women are wired to be less confident than men.
Women take a more measured approach to trying new things. Their approach likely involves research, preparation, practice, and a lot of internal self-talk before they step up. Men go for "it", and usually, the audience appreciates...