April is Stress Awareness Month
Did you know that the vagus nerve plays a key role in the regulation of hormones like cortisol (stress hormone), insulin, sex and thyroid hormones?
You may hear more and more women talking about symptoms they are experiencing, which are often linked to changes in their hormones. We are seeing and hearing it often, on social media, in conversations with clients as well as in small talk with friends and family.
Women experience hormone fluctuations every month during their menstrual cycle. Women also experience changes that affect their normal monthly pattern, with the aging process, as we enter perimenopause and menopause and due to disruptions in the endocrine system. These hormonal changes can come with undesired symptoms and side effects. Our level of stress and the function of our hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, can significantly affect the degree of symptoms we experience daily and during the transition to...
What promotes good joint and bone health, mental fortitude, strength, excellent circulation, coordination, increased cognitive and learning capabilities, reflex reactivity, immune function and an ability to concentrate better? Movement.
It sounds so simple and yet, it eludes many people as they assume that movement equals exercise and exercise is strenuous and perhaps even unpleasant. But our bodies are designed to move, and movement is critical for physical and mental well-being; even small amounts of movement daily can offset various ailments and improve health.
Without movement, the body deteriorates and becomes susceptible to illness and disease. Regular movement is more important than ever, due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Movement provides various health benefits beyond weight loss, including improvement of cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and organ health. In short, sitting isn’t very good for us more than in short stints....
Endometriosis and the Integrative Approach
By Erin Lindberg / Mar 26, 2023
While there is no known cure for endometriosis, conventional medicine is yet to find a way to ‘treat’ endometriosis; mainly focusing on temporary symptom relief through surgery/hysterectomy, hormone therapies/birth control pills or prescription painkillers. Each comes with their own undesirable side effects and risks, while simultaneously failing to address the root cause of the problem.
Shared later, is a more integrative approach to managing endometriosis in lieu of succumbing to the pharmaceutical and surgical push, which includes a more holistic approach aiming to reduce inflammation, enhance immune function, alleviate pain, balance hormones and support natural detoxification through diet, lifestyle changes, supplements and therapies.
Endometriosis Facts
Feeling the need to detox? You may have searched all the different methods to rid the body of toxins, but did you know that your body has its own system to eliminate toxins?
What is the Lymphatic System?
Your lymphatic system acts as a disposal system that works throughout your body to help flush toxins out of the body and keep blood and fluid levels in balance. The lymphatic system is a subsystem of the circulatory system, composed of lymphatic vessels, nodes, ducts, organs and tissues, responsible for ridding the body of toxins by transporting lymph throughout your body so the toxins don’t accumulate and cause disease. Lymph is a clear fluid highly concentrated with white blood cells, responsible for helping your body fight infection and disease. When lymph doesn't move, our cells, tissues and organs can’t effectively remove waste products.
Unlike the blood system, the lymph system has no pumping mechanism and relies on the...
Good sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. When you sleep, your body and mind regenerate from the stress of the day. And the need for sleep never goes away – especially if you’re pushing yourself creatively, professionally, or athletically. It is recommended, adults get an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Read on to learn some of the side effects of not getting enough sleep, benefits of good sleep, and tips to experience better sleep.
Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation:
Benefits of Good Sleep:
Tips for Better Sleep:
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