
National Breastfeeding Month 2020

Integrative Therapies & Wellness is celebrating National Breastfeeding Month! 


Breastfeeding comes with some incredible benefits!

Research shows that breastmilk can provide protection against certain common childhood illnesses, such as ear infections, respiratory infections, and diarrhea.  It can also help to reduce the risk of certain allergies and type II diabetes. For mom, breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which plays a role in bonding with your baby, as well as stimulates the uterus to contract following childbirth. Breastfeeding may also reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as ovarian cancer.  

  . . . As well as some challenges.

While the benefits of breastfeeding are numerous, breastfeeding can also come along with some challenges. Pain with latch, clogged ducts, mastitis, and low milk supply are all common but not normal when initiating a breastfeeding relationship. If you plan to breastfeed, it is helpful to have a...

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An Occupational Therapistā€™s Journey Into Pelvic Health

The Story

It was a snowy, winter evening in Minnesota, the nights when we’d hunker down with friends for games and fellowship. With snow-laden boots, I ventured to the basement on the wooden staircase, when my feet swiftly slid out from under me descending step by step on my tailbone. I had never experienced anything so excruciating. Many health care providers checked me out with no relief. I could not sit normally for years, always slightly cock-eyed to one side. The thought of having to poop nearly brought me to tears. Time passed, the future of kids was nearing, but the thought of delivering a human was even more daunting.
I had been a JFB Myofascial Release Practitioner for a few years and had knowledge of the women’s health treatment within this approach. I knew I had to do something, so decided to trek to Sedona, Arizona for a week of treatment at Therapy on the Rocks with John and his talented staff. This is where my journey into holistic...
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